Monday, July 16, 2007

Childfree and Loving It!

It's been a while since I did a childfree book review, so I thought I'd post about another of my favorites. Childfree and Loving It!, by Nicki DeFago, seems to be one of the most popular books around the childfree community. I can definitely see why, because it is a great one.

I literally have passages underlined in my copy of this book. The author is someone whose reasons for not having children I can really relate to. She's married and she and her husband, like me and my husband, love to travel and don't want to be saddled with a child while they're doing it. Of course, that's not her only reason, but it's definitely one of the main ones, and it's one of our main ones too.

In the book, DeFago discusses many topics of interest to the childfree, including the childfree stigma, the environment and population concerns, work and childcare, and the experiences of honest parents. The testimonials of parents were one of the parts of the book that stuck with me most -- they usually are. Whenever I need to be reminded of the reasons for our choice, a few seconds of imagining the alternative usually clears it right up. The chapter on "honest parents" in this book is great for that.

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who's childfree, or even sitting on the fence. It's a great basic explanation of some common reasons for living the childfree lifestyle.


Childfree Chick said...

This is one of my all-time fav books to read!

I also loved the parents stories because people are RARELY honest about how much it sucks to have a kid so when they are, it's very refreshing.

Restless Cynicism said...

I read this book and found it a revelation, I found myself nodding and agreeing with every page - I've since recommended it to tons of other people :D